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Re: Merry Christmas

I don't hold grudges and am not against you. But I was disapointed that it didn't work out.  I guess it was a total of things that upset me.  
Although I realize that you've never managed, ( Only three hundred occupants and employees of IBM but they were professionals not Alcoholics, Drug Addicts, Liars, etc.) I did expect you to go by the Lease rules & follow directions. It seemed each rule that was on the Lease was broken.  I did not feel that you were protecting my interests at all. Like I said, I don't hold grudges and things have worked out, but the following are some of the reasons I got upset.
Chris moving in with his dog & storing his motorcycle. We discussed no pets & I was never asked if he could store anything for free.
Chris was told he would have to clear these requests with you. I was told, by him that it was OK.  Sorry, I took him at his word. Also, the fact he was having women over that were using drugs. Who were these women? You seem to have a lot more information than I ever had and I was living there. I'd like to know your sources. Inger, who walked through the place whenever she felt like it? Dan Rogers, who always has his own agenda and so conveniently had people ready to move right in as soon as the house was available. Chris, who lied to me and to you about charging pay-per-view movies. Yes, it was Chris not me. You can confirm that with Lisa DeLaura (630-946-7001) She was there.

Jean moving in without a job or stable sobriety.  Not getting any rent from her for a few months.
FALSE, Jeanie didn't move in till mid-April. I sent an email (attached) asking if I could apply whatever credits remained from the water heater replacement to Jeanie's rent and that I would be paying it from then on. $300/mo. was paid from that point on. May, June, July and August.

Although I did agree, I felt pressured into letting her move in (I thought she was your girlfriend) She was and is, as far as I know and her rent was paid. The whole point of your job was to get paying, sober, stable people moved in, not the opposite. My job? I didn't know I was hired. You also expected me to be a rental agent, a mind reader, a clairvoyant, a parking lot attendant, a pool boy, a gardener etc...
Rhonda trying to go behind my back & move in. I had to hear from someone else she was moving in and that was your job to keep me informed.
Email attached stating that I was conned too. Once known, I immediately cancelled the arrangements. You could have kept me informed, since you had all the information!
Parking on the streets when I specifically said not to and it was in the Lease (pissing off the neighbors).
You state this as if it were the norm, it wasn't. Vehicles were parked on the driveway. Rarely did anyone have to park elsewhere and when it did occur the vehicles were briefly parked half a block away so as not to inconvenience anyone.
The garage was turned into a one car garage and storage center.
The shelving was mentioned in emails. If this pissed you off, you should have told me; I wouldn't have done it. I threw out 80% of everything I owned just to move into your house. I thought I was helping you out! The shelving helped sort out the garage. I thought it was a good thing,  Sorry again...It's gone. I gave it away to someone who appreciated it. I got a huge garbage bill (a couple hundred) for wood & stuff put out on the curb. All refuse place at the curb was cleaned up from around the house. Yard waste, Storm damage, Old broken Gazebo and iron frame, Broken yard cart from side of garage, wood that was stacked at side of garage etc. All yours, not others.
I felt for free rent, storage, utilities, washer & dryer,  there would be maintenance done around the house (& maybe some improvements). Minor things like putting the outlet covers back on the walls & stuff like that.
Many repairs were made, just not enough for your liking. In time, everything and then some would have been accomplished but as you know the two to three years was whittled down to 8 months.
My couch got trashed & no one could tell me what happened. There were also cig. burns in between the cushions. Obviously there was a drunk person in my house.
The cops coming over looking for that chick that should never have been let in my house in the first place, and her going crazy in the front yard.
I did send you an email apologizing for accepting this tenant (Jean DeBoer   630-333-7457). (attached) the damages weren't discovered till after she was gone. If you remember, I told you that Isaac, from Isaac's Upholstery was contacted to repair the couch but I moved out before you ever told me what you wanted to do.
I got stuck for paying for dirty movies, not one time, but twice. Chris was moved out before the first charge & you said he spent the night after he moved out? You don't let tenants back in. The second charge which occured while only you were in the house.
This is the worst accusation... Never, I repeat Never did I watch or charge any movies to your account. I gave the bills to Chris as I told you. He told me he would take care of it. once again ask Lisa DeLaura 630-946-7001 for confirmation. I thing she's honorable enough to tell you the truth. I resent your insistence that I did this.
I told you to take off the boards on the basement windows and it wasn't done until the last time I came out in August. That was a serious hazard that could have killed someone.  I had nightmares about Jean drunk & falling asleep with a cig. & getting trapped in the basement.
Your informers seemed to have mis-informed you as to Jean's sobriety. I guess you were told she was drinking the whole time she was there. She drank  but not at your house. She disappeared one day and didn't re-surface for a week. Shortly after that she moved to Patti's. Sorry, I should have put her in restraints.
Everytime Geo or I visited, there was always fans, computers & lights left on. That just added to the loss I was paying each month because the electric kept going up.
In the "Lease" it was stated that any extra expenses would be equally distributed amongst the tenants. Why didn't you let us know?
Also, I know I wanted to get rid of the pool table, freezer etc, but I really expected to get something for them (money or barter). Since I was losing so much money each month, it could have helped out and it would have eased the stress on me.
It was OK to give the pool table to the "New Attitudes" club. I assumed (I shouldn't have) that you just wanted to get rid of it. There was a power failure and the contents of the freezer defrosted and decayed. I  cleaned and disinfected it many time and the smell still persisted. I set it out by the street and it was gone by the morning. Once again I screwed up. Granted.
Geo just told me you left a ladder there when you moved out. I left several ladders there so I'm not sure why the new tenants would have needed it?
I  asked the new tenant and he said he could use the 8' ladder. That's why I left it. Send me a list of the things you left & I'll get a hold of the tenant. 

8' Step Ladder, Circular Saw, Coffee Maker, Toaster, Cutlery, Knife Sharpeners, Many items that I thought would be of help to the new tenants. I was trying to make the transition easier but once again no good deed goes unpunished. Maybe you can sell these items to make up for the financial straits I put you in.
Did you ask Dan if you could come over? I'm sure Dan just means he does not have authority to allow anyone onto my property, and of course there shouldn't be anyone over there besides the tenants, so don't be offended by him saying that.
No, Dan went out of his way to tell me I wasn't wanted over there. He told me not to let me touch anything without George's authorization. I haven't discussed anything with Dan, but I got weekly calls from people there telling me what horrible thing were going on and maybe he heard (and most likely started most of them) the rumours too. I ignored most of it, but some of it I found to be true and I felt betrayed. I'm sure you know who the rumour monger is there....No, I Don't!!!
Well, there you have it.  I should have told you sooner, but avoiding unpleasant confrontations has always been a major character defect of mine as well as not communicating clearly.
Yes, informing me of your dissatisfactions when they occurred could have circumvented many of the problems and distortions you came to believe.
Take care & email me that list.

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from GeorgeFlynn <
to  Cindy Mickle <>
date    Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 8:03 AM
subject Busy, Busy, Busy...
hide details 4/13/08





Dear Cindy,


          Still no confirmation from the horseÆs mouth. If Donna and Art are hitching they havenÆt told me about it. Who knows maybe theyÆre both hallucinating. Nevertheless the honeymoon suite still remains dormant. Donna will probably need it for ôMental Health Retreatsö. IÆm pretty much moved inà at least all the boxes are there. Unpacking will require a team of clairvoyants to figure out  where everything goesà IÆll send pictures of the progress when there is any.


          IÆll be heading to the bank this week with the rents. What shall I do about the JeannieÆs rent? Will it be OK to start with May or shall I do a proration? IÆll leave it up to you.



Love Ya,




 From: George W Flynn <>
Date: Thu, May 1, 2008 at 7:44 AM
Subject: Rental status
To: Cindy Mickle <>, Cindy Mickle <>


Dear Lady Cindygirl,


        James has postponed renting the room till the 15th. He couldnÆt get

released from his lease till then. Still no further word from Donna. She hasnÆt removed anything from her room; maybe sheÆs still deliberatingà


        Can you apply whatever credits I have to JeannieÆs rent and let me know of any amount still owed? SheÆll be setting up a bank account shortly but till then ItÆll have to be cash.


        WeÆll be building shelving in the garage soon. Shall I use the check card for material? Plywood, fasteners etcà


         IÆll be collecting rents today and banking tomorrowàIÆm becoming the landlord I always wished I could be.


                                                        Love Ya,   George





2/5/2008 HOT WATER HEATERá /á FITTINGS, MENARDS ($356.49) ($356.49) ($356.49)
2/5/2008 RICK'S INSTALLATIONS (HOT WATER HEATER) ($150.00) ($506.49) ($506.49)
2/7/2008 RENT RECEIVED Chris Bucik (Partial Month 80%) $400.00 ($106.49) ($106.49)
2/9/2008 STORAGE CONTAINERS, BULBS - MENARDS ($56.87) ($106.49) ($106.49)
BALANCE ($106.49) ($106.49)

to Cindy Mickle <>
date Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 9:05 PM
subject Stuff..
hide details 4/22/08
              Sorry bout the rent deposit. First thing in the morning on my way to a job.
 I'm too used to online everything and I'll have to get in the habit of actually going to
the "BANK".
 I'll let Rhonda know that your decision stands. I wasn't completely aware of what you had discussed with her.
               James has confirmed that he'll want the Safari room May 1st but the Master bedroom would be available unless Donna gets cold feet !  Gay's are OK by me. I'm not as cute as I once was, so I shouldn't have anything to worry about. Let me know.
                Bear with me till I get this "House Mother Role'' implanted into my personality. I've
only managed corporate facilities in the past. Employee's are easier to manage than tenants...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Cindy Mickle" <>
To: "George Flynn" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 16:32:43 -0500
Subject: Rent
I need you to get Chris & Donna's rent deposited asap.  (I'm assuming Chris & Donna paid timely). I don't want the bank to assess late fees as George M. will get more upset.
The mortgage is due on the 1st and I need the monies to be deposited in the first week of each month.
Also, I heard Rhonda has been saying she's going to move in, however I interviewed her and told her no before I left.  She did not meet the job requirements.   My reasoning is that if your self-employed, you pay taxes on a quarterly basis, work a regular schedule etc.  Working occasionally for cash is not a job unless your retired and have had a job history of being able to suit-up & show-up.  It's not the issue of having money to pay rent (guaranteed from government, boyfriends, ex's, parents etc, where ever)  it's the issue of being responsible & stable enough to hold a job; getting along with bosses, coworkers (people in general), being dependable....  If they can't do that it shows me there's a problem and I don't want any more problems than I already have. Let me know if you disagree.
Hopefully it's just a rumor as I can't imagine she would have the "balls" to try to move in when I told her no. 
Also, how would you guys feel about a gay guy moving in ?  I know you'd probably wouldn't care, but how about Chris? He's not in AA, but would honor the no drinking/drugging rule.  He might be an option if James doesn't move in.
Anyhoo, have a good day.  Hope the family at Dugout is adjusting well and having fun living there.


from George W Flynn <>
to Cindy Mickle <>
date Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 8:07 PM
subject Short lived Tenant...
hide details 3/12/08
Jean DeBoer   630-333-7457





           The new tenant I mentioned didnÆt honor her commitment to the house rules and was asked to leave after just one day. IÆm sorry I didnÆt investigate her references more diligently. She seemed desperate and I accepted her too quickly. So, the room is available once more. Everything else continues well except for my shoulder which doesnÆt want to heal itself as fast as I want it too. This has delayed my transition to the ôCindy Mansionö. ThatÆs OK, my landlord wonÆt be finalizing the sale of this building till May, so I have as much time as IÆll need. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Maybe by the time youÆre here, Peggy will be ready to take the room. YouÆll be able to talk with Inger and Peggy while youÆre here or maybe youÆll decide to become a resident again. Everything always seems to work outà


                                     Love Ya,

George small.gif